Tuesday, October 16, 2007  6:00 P.M.















Administration: Superintendent Alton L. Hadley, III

Staff: Althea Dugliss

Guest: Sam Birkett


1.             Call to Order

Jerry Wiles, Vice-chair, called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.


2.             Flag Salute

Wiles led the Committee and others present in the salute to the flag.


3.      Approval of Agenda                                                    (A)

         Motion to approve the Agenda as printed

         Moved- Johnson, seconded- White                    Approved            5-0-0


4.      Approval of Minutes                                                    (A)

         Motion to approve the minutes of the meeting held on October 2, 2007 as printed

         Moved- Wiles, seconded- Belesca                       Approved            5-0-0


5.      Correspondence                                                           (I)

Wiles shared correspondence regarding the workshop provided by the Historical Society in celebration of Longfellow¹s 200th birthday.  The Chebeague Island School students will be involved.  The Committee discussed how to pay for the workshop and determined to use the school enterprise funds.


6.      Public Comment

Sam Birkett asked about computer technology and curriculum for the students at the school.  Hadley stated that he would research and report back to the Committee.


7.      Reports                                                                      (I)(D)

·      School Board Chair


·      Superintendent/Principal/SPED Director

Hadley reported the Open House would be held on November 8th.  Wiles said that there was a conflict with that date since Calhoun 9Longfellow¹s biographer) would be at the Hall that night and hoped as many would attend as possible. The date was changed to November 13, 2007 at the Chebeague Island School from 7:00 to 8:30 PM.       


8.      Old Business                                                               (I)(D)(A)

a.             Continued discussion regarding after school transportation

White reported that the CTC contract had finally been finalized and parents and students will receive a letter outlining the new procedures that go into effect on the 22nd of October.


White stated that the contract covered grades 6-12 and their parents attending a school sponsored activity.  There is no provision for students under grade 6 and we have one student that attends school on the mainland at SAD #51 under a Superintendents Agreement.  Hadley explained that a Superintendent¹s Agreement allowed the student to attend another district and that the home district would give up subsidy count to the receiving district.  The parent is responsible for transportation of the student.


There is no subsidy for ³choice² of the parent that decides to send the student to another district K-5.  Following a lengthy discussion:


Motion to provide ferry transportation for students grade 6-12 as described in the CTC Contract.

Motion- White, seconded- Johnson             Approved            5-0-0


Motion to ³Grandfather² the student currently attending MSAD #51 schools under a Superintendents Agreement to be able to travel at CISD cost for the remainder of this school year.

Moved- Johnson, seconded-Belesca       Approved                  4-1-0 (White)


b.       Policy AA, AB, AC, and AC/R

The policies were read by Wiles, discussed and acted upon by the Committee.

                                    Motion to adopt Policy AA-School Legal Status 10/16/2007

                                    Moved- Belesca, seconded- White             Approved            5-0-0


                                    Motion to adopt Policy ABA-Participation in Decision Making

Moved- Belesca, seconded- White             Approved            5-0-0


Motion to Approve the First Reading of Policy AC-Nondiscrimination/equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action

Moved- White, seconded- Belesca             Approved            5-0-0


Motion to Approve the First Reading of Policy AC-R- Nondiscrimination/equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action-Grievance Procedure

Moved- Belesca, seconded- Johnson          Approved            5-0-0


9.      New Business                                                              (I)(D)(A)

a.              Warrant #5

Hadley distributed the Warrant to the Committee and members signed for distribution to the Town Administrator for payment.


10.     Other Business

·      White and Dugliss reminded the Committee of the deadline for materials to be included in the Newsletter and the Community Calendar.

·      The Committee asked if the Teachers could provide reports to update the Committee about activities at the School and to ensure good communications.  Hadley stated that he would discuss with the staff at the next staff meeting.

·      Reminder that the Community Halloween Party was scheduled for October 27 at the Hall from 6:30 to 8:00 PM and that there would be a Scavenger Hunt for the older students.

·      Motion to not hold a Committee Meeting on November 20, 2007

·      Moved- Johnson, seconded- Wiles                     Approved            5-0-0


11.     Adjourn

         Without objection the meeting was adjourned at 8:33PM



Next Meeting will be held on November 6, 2007 at 6:00 PM



A- ACTION                  D- DISCUSSION          I- INFORMATION